#1_More Than Talent: Relentless Hard Work as an Art Student
Relentless Hard work as an Art Student
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Pencil on paper & Dry pastels
During my first and second year, I remember practicing intensely, completely immersing myself in my work as if the rest of the world didn’t exist. It felt like entering a deeply meditative state.
During my first and second year, I remember practicing with deep focus, completely absorbed in my work, as if nothing else existed. It was a state of pure immersion—almost meditative.
Title : Two Sisters
Oil On canvas
"Two Sisters" is my second oil on canvas in 3nd year of arts college. I am very excited to do this. I am thinking of painting it like Van Gogh Style. My style is quite much changed from the first one. I think its the after effects of learning great artists works and style.
I was a bit more confident in this one and put oil colors with more of freedom, actually all over the place which was quite unexpected.
Half life sculpture at art college
By my third year, I had developed a strong grasp of sketching and human anatomy. Our group of students would often visit railway stations, hospitals, and other crowded places to practice sketching in dynamic environments. Stepping into the unpredictability of these spaces pushed me out of my comfort zone, forcing me to focus and refine my skills. One of the most valuable lessons I learned by the end of my third year was the importance of hard work, persistence, and adapting to challenges.
reminds me of 2 sisters by caroline leaf....