Relentless Hard work as an Art Student Click for Illustrations page Pencil on paper & Dry pastels During my first and second year, I remember practicing intensely, completely immersing myself in my work as if the rest of the world didn’t exist. It felt like entering a deeply meditative state. During my first and second year, I remember practicing with deep focus, completely absorbed in my work, as if nothing else existed. It was a state of pure immersion—almost meditative. Title : Two Sisters Oil On canvas "Two Sisters" is my second oil on canvas in 3nd year of arts college. I am very excited to do this. I am thinking of painting it like Van Gogh Style. My style is quite much changed from the first one. I think its the after effects of learning great artists works and style. I was a bit more confident in this one and put oil colors with more of freedom, actually all over the place which was quite unexpected. Half life scu...